
Let's Connect


Let's Connect


+91 1234 44 4444

Infrastructure Automation for Project Management Software Setup

Automation will drastically reduce the support team’s involvement by >50%


  • Enable free-trial users to setup server on cloud rather than setting it up on-premise
  • Allocate the instances to users without any delay
  • Build a process to stop the free-trial after 30-days
  • Build pages on Zoho for this workflow and integrate with their existing flow
  • Add security through email verification since users would now be creating servers on cloud


  • Created a process using DynamoDB and AWS Lambda functions to create reserved trial instances and allocate to users when they sign up for free trial
  • Setup a process to verify email using OTP created by a Lambda function
  • Built Zoho pages to check user preference for cloud-hosted vs on-premise, email validation and displaying the instance details
  • Used AWS SES to send email from AWS
  • Built Lambda function to terminate/stop instances after 30-days

Tools & Technologies

AWS, ZOHO, Python

Key benefits

  • Client is able to provide additional option for their trial users to use the service hosted on cloud, rather than downloading and setting up the software on their local environment
  • Always maintain a pool of instances that can be allocated to the users as soon as they sign up (<5 secs)
  • Currently this process is done by their support team, this automation will drastically reduce the support team’s involvement by >50%
Case Study KeyPoints